How do I create a raster cut in one direction ?

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How do I create a raster cut in one direction ?

Post by Denford Admin » Wed 07 Mar , 2007 10:19 am

A customer has asked how to create a raster plan for skimming the surface of a block, with the cutter only cutting from left to right.
They found that cutting the opposite direction gives a poor surface finish.

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Post by Denford Admin » Wed 07 Mar , 2007 10:25 am

In QuickCAM 2D, there are no options to select climb or conventional milling.
However, there is still a way to create toolpaths that follow the direction that the line was created.
In this example, I have created a raster toolpath inside a D shape using the hatch tool. Because the hatches are created left to right, it will be possible to output a toolpath that follows the same direction.
(If you wanted it to run right to left, then you would simply mirror the hatch lines)
In the post output screen, make sure the sorted tool paths option is turned off before posting the CNC G code file.
cut-one-way-4.gif (13.96 KiB) Viewed 4501 times
Select the follow machining plan and choose the hatch lines previously created
cut-one-way-3.gif (14.78 KiB) Viewed 4501 times
Create hatch lines with the hatch tool. You will need to experiment with the scale value in order to get the distance between lines you require (ie tool stepover)
cut-one-way-2.gif (12.23 KiB) Viewed 4501 times
Select the shape you want to raster across in one direction
cut-one-way-1.gif (23.51 KiB) Viewed 4501 times

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