Uploading attachments and pictures to the forum

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Uploading attachments and pictures to the forum

Post by Denford Admin » Tue 05 Dec , 2006 23:15 pm

If you are a logged in registered user, then you can upload pictures or any other files you may think would be useful to other Denford users.

There is a quota limit per user, so try and make the attachment as small as possible - reduce size of jpgs, zip files up, try not to use bmp or tiff files as they tend to be larger than jpg or gif.

You just have to click Browse... and locate the file on your PC
Type a comment for the file (optional)
Click Add Attachment
repeat procedure if you want to add more to the same post
Then, click submit (make sure you have entered some text into the post first)


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Post by Denford Admin » Wed 19 Dec , 2007 11:34 am

If you're using XP, this power toy (free from Microsoft) is a brilliant tool for reducing images down to something suitable for the web:

Image Resizer:
https://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/down ... rtoys.mspx
or here:

And here is the equivalent unofficial Vista / Windows 7 version of the same thing:
https://prishcom.spaces.live.com/blog/cn ... !128.entry

Once its installed, you get a new right-click menu option in file explorer which will resize any image(s) files you have selected.

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Re: Uploading attachments and pictures to the forum

Post by Denford Admin » Thu 10 Nov , 2011 9:46 am

Another way to reduce image size would be to email it to yourself before posting it
Most email clients ask whether you want to send the large original image or reduce it's size first...
