Changing cutters

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Changing cutters

Post by smartroad » Thu 17 May , 2012 9:29 am


I have started in a new job and we have a 2600/Pro router. I have been reading all the start guides and the manual which has led to me being able to get the machine cutting. The one thing that I am not too sure on the best procedure is how to change the cutters during the print. More to the point, how do you align the cutter to ensure it cuts at the same level as the previous? My current thoughts are to simply measure from the collett to the bottom of the router bit with the height set in the tools option. Any help is appreciated, this is the last hurdle I have to getting the machine working and my students on it!

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Re: Changing cutters

Post by Denford Admin » Thu 17 May , 2012 14:02 pm

The tools should push up to a dead stop in the spindle, so you can in theory fit them at the same height every time.
So, you should be able to put each tool in and set the Z Tool length offset for each tool used.
Normally Tool1 will have 0.0 length offset and every other tool has a value which is effectively the length difference against Tool 1.
You need to activate each Tool in turn from the jog window, then open Tool & Offset editor window.
Under the "Tooling Data" tab, the currently active tool will have a Z length offset button which should zero the Z position readout.

eg, Setting up two tools:
Activate Tool 1 (Jog mode > Toolchange button)
Make sure Z offset for tool 1 is 0.0
Set Work offsets X,Y and Z for tool 1 when touching left,front and top of billet
Activate Tool 2
Set tool length offset for tool 2 in the Tooling Data window when touching top of billet.
eg, if Tool 2 is 20mm longer than Tool 1 then this value should read +20.0, this is because the Z axis would need to lift up 20mm when you fit tool 2.

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