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VR Turning 1.24 released Sept 2010

Posted: Fri 08 Oct , 2010 10:51 am
by Denford Admin
VR Turning 1.24 released Sept 2010

// v1.23 - 8/10/2009 - added TP135 to newturn270ns.55xx - Homes out turret type 6 (tp135) after both axes have homed. sets Tool to 1 with M27
// - input 18 is tool counts strobe in 7 is tool home (position 1) and should strike switch halfway between strobe pulses
// v1.23 - 8/10/2009 - updated NEWTURN270NS.55xx.mnt locally for testing only at the mo-backup on backup this folder
// v1.23 - 9/10/2009 - added tool post index pushbutton functionality for tp135 - input 19.

// v1.24 - 8/6/2010 - fixed license not found error if using old flash codes -
// v1.24 - 17/6/2010 - Added CE machine stuff (checks and firmware >= 5410 and will use BigMint2 and ControllerNextStep65xx instead)
// v1.24 - 26/8/2010 - Added a warning if the offsets file isn't saved - could cause odd issue on networks as any changes are held in memory so it looks ok but isn't the next time
// v1.24 - 10/9/2010 - Had to update firmware for CE machine - 5411 wasn't reporting AuxencoderVel properly (to do with Auxencoderprescale) 5414 working ok as of today
// v1.24 - 10/9/2010 - Found that CSS centreline was possibly being calculated wrongly in the Mint: "CSSCentreLine = (POS[0]) - (CSSDiameter / 2)" is now correct
// v1.24 - 16/9/2010 - Jogging bug fixed where if you set jog feed to 0 then kept trying jog, it would start again (even though suspend was still set on Baldor)

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