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Height problem/material thickness VL300

Posted: Tue 04 Dec , 2012 22:08 pm
by AndyTech
I'm using a VL300 and 2D design.
If I'm cutting 3mm, 6mm, 9mm perspex or engraving onto the same thickness wood the laser is fine. However, one of our students wanted a name engraving on a box he made which is 29mm thick. In 2D Design, I specify the material thickness (for a simple engraving) but the laser honeycomb bed doesn't compensate for this thickness. It seems to stay at the height as if it was working on thin material, so then if left to run, the laser cone would bang into the material.
If I was cutting 3mm one job, then changing to 6mm the bed will move down the extra 3mm to do this, so it seems strange that it doesn't for a thicker material.
I've checked for debris under the bed (the table moves up and down fine), and the Z axis has not long been calibrated (and it does cut/engrave fine on thinner material).
I have engraved before on material like this.

Andy ;-)

Re: Height problem/material thickness VL300

Posted: Wed 05 Dec , 2012 15:59 pm
by Denford Admin
I don't often use the lasers, but I thought you could specify a fixture height in the VL software driver when printing ?
eg, if you are cutting through 3mm acrylic which is mounted on 3mm sacrificial blocks you can enter 3mm for material thickness and 3mm for fixture height.
Maybe that option will help ?

Re: Height problem/material thickness VL300

Posted: Sun 09 Dec , 2012 10:52 am
by petereggington

Two ways I think this could be acheived, although I haven't ever done this!

If you have a focus tool, drop the Z to accomodate the box plus the general distance for the engraving (50.8mm), disable the auto Z function and then it should operate thinking the material is 29mm plus the normal focal height.

If you have the advanced driver, In the print option you could set the Auto Z function to be the height of the box - 29mm + 50.8mm, this should then drop the Z axis to the right height. It should be in the last column on Pen properties tab.

Hope one of the above works. Ill go give it a go with my VL300 to check

Re: Height problem/material thickness VL300

Posted: Sun 09 Dec , 2012 11:14 am
by Martin
AS Admin says all you need to do is set a custom fixture when you print.

Just put in the extra height then when you run a job the bed will drop by this extra amount assuming Auto Z is enabled.