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Starturn stopped responding

Posted: Tue 02 Jan , 2018 12:18 pm
by Dangle_kt
So my Starturn 8 with ATC turret stopped responding on the weekend. machine just stopped half way through a cut, and now the DOS based controller won't enter manual mode (where you interact with the machine), so it seems the interface has somehow got screwed.

No idea why, (I have checked wires are plugged in) and not having a clue about electrics I have cut my losses and bought a different lathe.

If anyone wants this Starturn 8 with ATC ready for mach 3 conversion give me a shout. I bought it for £1250 a few months back, so I'd like to make a reasonable chunk of that back (or I will just keep it and do a conversion when I get time to understand it better).

My new lathe is a Denford too, its a Cyclone running FANUC controller and servos, air chuck (5c) and 8 point turret.

Might take a few weeks to get it to my unit, as I need to figure out how to hire a forklift to get it out my van!