
All info relating to the Denford Router 2600 and Pro CNC routers

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Post by richgirling » Thu 30 Sep , 2010 12:33 pm


I have been trying to use some software called DeskProto with our 2600 Pro.

It allows the addition of support lugs to an STL file so when you machine one side of your model you can then turn the billet over and machine from the other side clamping on the outside of the billet while the support lugs hold the model. We want to use this for rapid prototyping of models.

I have been unable to get the DeskProto to output FNC files even though the Denford Micromill and Microturn are listed in its recognised machines.
Anybody got any ideas of some other software I could use to do the above or how I can get DeskProto to output FNC files?


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Re: DeskProto

Post by Denford Admin » Thu 30 Sep , 2010 16:01 pm

Does it create any files at all if you select Micromill ?
If it does, then it could just need the extension chaging so VR Milling can see the file. Either that or change the VR milling import dialog to all file extensions *.*

Try contacting the suppliers of Deskproto with this information:

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Re: DeskProto

Post by richgirling » Fri 01 Oct , 2010 15:31 pm

Thanks for your quick reply.

When I try to create an NC cutter path in DeskProto it outputs it in an ISO file format.

I have found a way to use DeskProtos ability to generate support blocks on an STL model.
I start the wizard then get to the point where it adds the supports blocks, after this point I save the model as an STL file and then can open it using QuickCam Pro, take one side of the model through to the point at where it creates the FNC file then go back to the beginning of the QuickCam Pro process invert the model and start again saving the cutter paths as a different file name.
Very long winded but for the amount of times we will use this facility I am prepared to go through the hassle unless you have any better ideas?


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Re: DeskProto

Post by Denford Admin » Fri 01 Oct , 2010 15:42 pm

Having to create two programs via QuickCAM Pro is not too bad I think.
It sounds like the alternative would be to try configure Deskproto to output the correct G-Code format and even then I'm not sure how the program and VR Milling would handle the half way point - where the machine needs to stop and allow the door to be opened to let you to turn the part over.

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