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More old machine software found PLUS Photos and Drawings

Posted: Fri 12 May , 2006 9:23 am
by Denford Admin ...
This ZIP file contains...

EASIMILL - Software for Easimill machines fitted with a PNC3 controller
EASITURN - Software for Easiturn machines fitted with a PNC3 controller
ORAC - Software for Orac'85 machines (will not work with older oracs macnufactured before 1985)
QUATRO - Software for Easimill machines fitted with a PNC4 controller
STARMILL - Software for Starmill non-ATC machines fitted with an SMCU controller
STARM-TC - Software for Starmill ATC machines fitted with an SMCU controller
TRIAC - Software for Triac machines fitted with a PNC3 controller
STARTURN - Software for Starturn machines fitted with a GSM controller

I found the above packages in an old software archive and have not been tested.
They seem to run OK but crash my XP machines when I try to run a simulation so I guess they are best run from outside of a windows environment (try to find an old DOS machine, or and old Windows 98 machine and reboot in DOS mode). I haven't tested any of the machine links either as I do not have access to any hardware so all of the above comes with no guarantees, but I hope it is of some use to some of you guys trying to get your old hardware up and running again.

Take a look inside these folders for pictures of the machines and cable diagrams

Mr Magoo :shock:

Re: More old machine software found PLUS Photos and Drawings

Posted: Mon 14 Sep , 2009 8:28 am
by alastairseggie
Hi Just a note on the Starmill version of the software above.

I tried this and even though it is made by NEE for the SMCU control board for some reason it would not connect even though the cable etc was set up right, I have a sneaky suspicion it was looking for a dongle or there was a driver missing for the com port. Really cant say for certain but the starmill kept coming up with Command error in the LCD. I then used the file found here and it worked first time. According to this software the port settings are Baud = 4200, Data Bits = 7, Stop bits = 1, Parity is Odd. I tried that with the other software and got nowhere.

If you need help just let me know.
