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Slot together Bird House

Posted: Thu 10 Jan , 2008 11:39 am
by Steve
This project was demonstrated at the Design and technology show in November 2007.

We used the project to demonstrate the large format Vacuum bed that allowed us to pull a board of MDF down through a sacrifice board.

This method of clamping allows you to cut fully through the sheet without using tape as a hold down.

The vacuum bed is available for the Router 2600 and Vertical Router.

The Bird house was designed in prodesktop. Because of the cutter radius the slots have to be extended to avoid having to file out the corners.

Once the design was proved in Pro/Descktop the parts were transfered to the engineering drawing part of PRO/Desktop where it is posible to export them as DXF files.

The DXF Files were then loaded into QuickCAM 2D where they were arranged on the sheet and then cutter paths generated.

In the attached file you can download the ProDesktop designs, the part DXF files and the QuickCAM 2D file and cutter stratergies.

Posted: Thu 10 Jan , 2008 11:44 am
by Steve
QuickCAM 2D files attached.