2D quickcam

A forum for anything to do with QuickCAM 2D Design and LaserCAM 2D Design. Submit advice, examples, problems, feature requests etc..

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2D quickcam

Post by carol » Mon 18 Feb , 2008 16:37 pm

We have designed some font to be placed on a cylinder and are following the instructions at the back of the Denford booklet, supplied on a recent training provided by Peter. However, it mentions on page 40 to create a CNC file we have to select 'Plot' only plot doesn't seem to exist, can you help?

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Post by Denford Admin » Tue 19 Feb , 2008 12:04 pm

Are you using QuickCAM 2D or Techsoft ?

You create an fnc file with PLOT with Techsoft 2D Design, but must have the Denford option installed onto your Techsoft licence (supplied by Techsoft), and the Denford-Techsoft Post Processor (supplied by Denford)

You create an fnc file in QuickCAM 2D by using the CAM wizard button (or menu: Generate > CAM Wizard)

There may be some confusion in the instructions as to which 2D software you will be using :?

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wrqpping a rectangular design around a cylinder

Post by carol » Tue 19 Feb , 2008 13:53 pm

Thanks for this we have Quick Cam 2d Design which is why the instructions were no use. Does this mean that we can't wrap a rectangular design around a cylinder to create a profile on the surface? :)

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Post by Denford Admin » Tue 19 Feb , 2008 16:15 pm

Yes - the way you wrap a 2D toolpath around a cylinder remains exactly the same...you can wrap any cnc program around a cylinder, you just have to be aware of the circumference and the possibliity of wrapping around too far.

You just have to add the command into your cnc file and VR Milling 5 will pick it up:
G1Ø7 Y16

this will convert Y axis moves into 4th axis rotary moves, at a diameter of 32mm (a circumference of 100.5mm, which is in effect the maximum Y height of your 2D sketch)

hope this makes sense :?

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Quick cam 2D design

Post by carol » Mon 03 Mar , 2008 16:42 pm

Is there any way to colour a shape on the program so that it will not take the material out when put on the 4th axis? We have shaded in the text and need to do the same with some shapes to keep these at the required hieght and take away the white areas, is this possible? :?

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Post by Denford Admin » Mon 03 Mar , 2008 16:54 pm

I'm not really sure what you mean ?

With QuickCAM, you only ever pick the elements you want to machine in the CAM wizard - are you looking for a way to turn off groups of lines, so they can't be selected in the machining wizard ?

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